Utegenov Almasbek was born in 1990 on 5 January in Ganyushkino, Kurmangazy, Atyrau. In 2007, he enrolled in the Faculty of Physics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2013 he was awarded the academic degree of Master of Science (subject of master's thesis: Experimental study of the properties of dust plasma in a mixture of gases). And in 2020 he defended his doctoral thesis and received his PhD degree in the field of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. Since 2009 till today he has been working in the Laboratory of Dust Plasma and Plasma Technology (DPPT) at the Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (IETP) and National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type (NNLOT). Research interests: plasma and dust plasma physics, plasma applications, including plasma technologies, experimental studies of gas discharge plasma properties, synthesis of nanomaterials. Main scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals (for more https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri? authorId=55670478100): 1) M.K. Dosbolayev, A.U. Utegenov, T.S. Ramazanov, Structural and transport properties of dust formation in plasma of noble gases mixture in RF discharge // Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 53, No. 4-5, pp. 426-431, 2013 2) S.A. Orazbayev, Y.A. Ussenov, T.S. Ramazanov, M.K. Dosbolayev, A.U. Utegenov, A calculation of the electron temperature of complex plasma of noble gases mixture in CCRF discharge // Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 428-433, 2015 3) S.A. Maiorov, S.K. Kodanova, M.K. Dosbolayev, T.S. Ramazanov, R.I. Golyatina, N.Kh. Bastykova, A.U. Utegenov, The role of gas composition in plasma-dust structures in RF discharge // Physics of Plasmas, vol. 22, 033705, 2015 4) M.K. Dosbolayev, A.U. Utegenov, T.S. Ramazanov, Structural Properties of Buffer and Complex Plasmas in RF Gas Discharge-Imposed Electrostatic Field // IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 44, Issue 4, p. 469-472, 2016 5) Dosbolayev, M.K., Utegenov, A.U., Tazhen, A.B., Ramazanov, T.S. Investigation of dust formation in fusion reactors by pulsed plasma accelerator // Laser and Particle Beams, Vol. 35, Issue 4, p. 741-749, 2017 6) Orazbayev, S.A., Utegenov, A.U., Zhunisbekov, A.T., Dosbolayev, M.K., Ramazanov, T.S. Synthesis of carbon and copper nanoparticles in radio frequency plasma with additional electrostatic field // Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 58(10), p. 961-966, 2018


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Academic degree

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Author Documents


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